"Russian Philological Journal": the Last Eitor and the Fate of the Journal after 1917
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"Russian Philological Journal": the Last Eitor and the Fate of the Journal after 1917
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Larisa Bondar 
Affiliation: Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Aleksander Karskiy
Affiliation: Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The key issue of the article is the reason for the closure of one of the leading philological journals of the late 19th — early 20th century — “Russian Philological Journal”, the last issue of which was published in 1918. The organizational component of the history of the publication of the journal from 1905 to 1918 is studied on the basis of material of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of RAS, the main block of which are epistolary documents (correspondence of the last editor and publisher of the journal — slavonic scholar, academician E. F. Karsky, as well as official correspondence of the Russian Academy of Sciences). This allowed to identify the reasons leading to the cessation of activity of the journal. The main reason was the financial component in conjunction with personal factors: objective life circumstances in 1918—1920 of the editor of the journal E. F. Karsky and, partly, the death in 1920 of the supporter of the idea of resuming the activities of the journal, the chairman of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician A. A. Shakhmatov.

“Russian Philological Journal”, academician E. F. Karsky, philological journals
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