US Policy of Appeasement towards Syngman Rhee in the Run-up to the 1954 Geneva Conference
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US Policy of Appeasement towards Syngman Rhee in the Run-up to the 1954 Geneva Conference
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Valery Yungblyud 
Affiliation: Vyatka State University
Address: Russian Federation, Kirov
Denis Sadakov
Affiliation: Vyatka State University
Address: Russian Federation, Kirov

The article is devoted to the complicated process of coordinating the approaches of the USA and the Republic of Korea to the settlement on the Korean peninsula before the beginning of the 1954 Geneva Conference. The armistice agreement that ended the Korean War of 1950—1953 was signed on July 27, 1953. It entrusted the future of Korea and the possible unification of the country to an international political conference. However, South Korean President Syngman Rhee not only refused to sign the document, but also continued to demand that the country's unity be restored by force. Convinced of the futility of the dialogue with the Communists, he continuously pressured Washington to continue the war at his own risk. The Americans recognized the value of Rhee's relentless nationalism and consistent anti-communism. However, all this did not eliminate the need for complex and emotional negotiations to assert US control over the situation in exchange for generous military and economic assistance to the Republic of Korea. As a result, in the process of dialogue with Lee Seung Man, the United States made significant concessions, but developed a general policy framework for the Korean peninsula that recognized the existence of the two Koreas and the demilitarized zone. This plan hasn’t implied the unification of the country.

U.S., Korean War, Local Conflict, Republic of Korea, 1954 Geneva Conference, D. Eisenhower, Syngman Rhee
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The research was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No 19-18-00501).
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