From Brazil to the USSR and Back: the Life Trajectory of Laura and Otávio Brandão
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From Brazil to the USSR and Back: the Life Trajectory of Laura and Otávio Brandão
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Liudmila Okuneva 
Affiliation: MGIMO University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Olga Okuneva
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyzes the life of the family of prominent Brazilian revolutionaries — Otávio and Laura Brandão, personalities of the left movement, who fled from the authoritarian dictatorship of Vargas and arrived in the USSR, where they joined the work of the Comintern. Otávio Brandão was one of the founders of the Brazilian Communist Party, worked in Moscow at the Executive Committee of the Comintern, was criticized for ideological reasons. Laura Brandão — poetess, participated in the labor and women's movement of Brazil in the 1920s. In Moscow, she worked for the Moscow Radio in the Portuguese language broadcasting section. Their four daughters (Sáttva, Dionysa, Vólia, Valná) were committed to their parents. In the fate and pre-war life of Otávio and Laura Brandão in Moscow, and then in Ufa, where they and their daughters were evacuated together with the Comintern, the power and inferiority of the world communist organization were reflected simultaneously.

Otávio Brandão, Laura Brandão, Sáttva Brandão, Dionysa Brandão, Vólia Brandão, Valná Brandão, Brazil, Comintern, George Dimitrov, Luís Carlos Prestes
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