The Holy See’s Modus Operandi in Dealing with Some Requests for Assistance Sent to the Vatican in the 1920s and 1930s: Based on New Archival Documents
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The Holy See’s Modus Operandi in Dealing with Some Requests for Assistance Sent to the Vatican in the 1920s and 1930s: Based on New Archival Documents
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Kiara Dommarco 
Affiliation: The Saints Cyril and Methodius Institute for Postgraduate Studies
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

After the 1917 Revolution in Russia many requests for help were addressed to the Vatican from Soviet Russia and from those who had to leave the country. Indeed, on the one hand, the majority of the people in the Soviet Union, in one way or another, was affected by the famine of the 1920s or its consequences; on the other hand, right after the seizure of power Bolsheviks started political and religious persecutions. This article provides some information about the activities of the Papal Relief Mission in Russia, led by the Jesuit Edmund Walsh and undertaken to assist the population, as well as some cases of requests for help addressed to the Vatican in order to analyse the response of the Holy See. Several requests are analysed: the request by Ljudmila Lubimova, who actively helped Russian migrants (thanks to her connections among the people of influence); the request from a hieromonk Pachom, who wrote to the Holy See about the conditions of two Orthodox bishops in Paris and Vienna; the episode of a certain Mr. Makarov, who asked for financial support; the case of a Fr. David, who appealed for help to a Carmelite monastery in Lisieux (France).

Vatican, Russia (USSR), international relations, Edmund A. Walsh J.S., Orthodox and Catholic Church, Russian migration
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The publication was prepared as part of the scientific project No. 19-18-00482 supported by the Russian Science Foundation.
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