The Annexation of Central Asia to Russia: the Peculiarities of the Military Marching Routine of the Cossacks in the Khiva Campaign in 1873
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The Annexation of Central Asia to Russia: the Peculiarities of the Military Marching Routine of the Cossacks in the Khiva Campaign in 1873
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Elena Godovova 
Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Orenburg Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg

The article provides an analysis of the military marching daily life of the Cossacks — participants of the Khiva campaign of 1873 — one of the most difficult for the entire period of the Central Asian campaign. Orenburg, Ural, Terek and Siberian Cossacks took part in this campaign. For three months of the Khiva campaign, its participants faced adverse climatic conditions: cold, rain, heat, wind, snowstorms, which were aggravated by the lack or unsuitability of drinking water and food shortages. One of the four detachments moving to Khiva — Krasnovodsky, having walked 500 versts in the heat and without water, was forced to return. The reasons for such a difficult position of the detachments during the Khiva campaign were the admission of shortcomings during the reconnaissance. The information provided by the intelligence about the climatic conditions and the route of movement was not complete, all the wells with drinking water were not indicated, and the material part was previously poorly investigated. But despite all the difficulties that the participants of the campaign had overcome, the Khiva khanate recognized its dependence on Russia. An analysis of the military-hiking everyday life showed that the Cossacks were more adapted to the extreme conditions of the participants in the march.

Russian Cossacks, Cossacks, military camp everyday life, Central Asia, Khiva campaign 1873
Источник финансирования
The research is executed at the expense of a grant of the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 17-18-01008) in the Orenburg State Pedagogical University.
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