Russian Sectionalism as a “Different Culture” and an Object of Acculturation on the Territory of the Orenburg Eparchy of the Second Half of the 19th and the early 20th Centuries
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Russian Sectionalism as a “Different Culture” and an Object of Acculturation on the Territory of the Orenburg Eparchy of the Second Half of the 19th and the early 20th Centuries
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Marina Efimenko 
Affiliation: Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg
Alina Kamzina
Affiliation: Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg

The article is devoted to the study of Russian religious sectarianism, which became widespread in the Orenburg diocese in the second half of 19th — early 20th centuries. For the first time various religious groups of sects are considered as “other culture” and object of acculturation policy of the Russian Empire. The basis of the study was the office sources and statistical materials in the funds of the state archives of Orenburg and Ufa. The authors study the history of the emergence of sectarian communities of whips, Molokans in the Orenburg region, the peculiarities of certain religious groups of local origin, their dogmatic and ritual side. It is noted that in this region the active spread of sects falls on the post-reform period, which was due primarily to the proximity of the so-called “spiritual centers” located in the Samara, Yekaterinburg and Tambov provinces, migration processes and active promotion of sectarian teachings. It is concluded that the steady increase in the number of followers of sectarianism has led to the need for acculturation measures by the authorities, including through the activities of the Orthodox mission.

sectarianism, Russian Orthodox church, Orenburg diocese, the Khlysts (whips), molokans
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