Great Britain and the Russian Question at the Initial Stage of the Paris Peace Conference, 1919—1920
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Great Britain and the Russian Question at the Initial Stage of the Paris Peace Conference, 1919—1920
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Evgeny Sergeev 
Institute of World History RAS
Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is devoted to the debated question of evaluation and attempts of British diplomacy to settle the so-called “Russian problem” on the eve and during the first months of the 1919—1920 Paris Peace Conference. The author reveals that the previous interpretation of London's intentions towards Soviet Russia as exceptionally negative is simplistic and requires revision, taking into account the comparative analysis of previously inaccessible to researchers Russian and British archival records. As a result, the paper demonstrates a much more complex and contradictory dynamics of Soviet-British relations than could be found in modern studies on Britain’s reflection of the Great Russian revolution of 1917—1922. 

Paris Peace Conference, Soviet-British relations, Civil War, intervention, Lloyd George, Churchill, Curzon, Lenin, Trotsky, Chicherin
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