The Legacy of the Brest System in the Formation of the “Versailles Order” in Eastern Europe
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The Legacy of the Brest System in the Formation of the “Versailles Order” in Eastern Europe
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Leonty Lannik 
Affiliation: European University at Saint Petersburg
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The eventual victory of the Central Powers on the Eastern front was formalized in the Brest system of international relations. The Entente's triumph in the Great War had led to its graduate clotting, but the winners had no resources to control the situation in the area of the Brest system. That's why the withdrawal of German occupation forces and Freikorps was radically prolonged and Entente was unable to impose the Versailles's order on the majority of former Russian Empire’s territories. As a result, many limitrophe states created by the Brest system got sovietized and the Red Army actively advanced to the West in early 1919 and in the middle of 1920. Only in the spring of 1921 when Eastern Europe military conflicts were coming to their ends the legacy of Brest system was reformed by Riga and Moscow treaties that became the necessary stage between Versailles system and Soviet Russia. The non-universality of Versailles caused some hopes that it could be revised and thus pushed Germany and Soviet Russia to active collaboration including military, which was possible due to the experience both countries got from the Brest system.

the Brest system, the Versailles system, the Treaty of Riga 1921, limitrophe states, the Treaty of Moscow 1921, Freikorps, sovetization, Wilna, Rappallo
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