Stages of Estonian Statehood Formation: from the Overthrow of the Autocracy to the Paris Peace Conference, 1917—1919
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Stages of Estonian Statehood Formation: from the Overthrow of the Autocracy to the Paris Peace Conference, 1917—1919
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Alexandra Bahturina 
Russian State University for the Humanities
State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article deals with the main stages of the formation of Estonian statehood in March 1917 — early 1919. The author writes about the most important events on the way to the creation of an independent Estonia: the formation of a unified Estonian administrative-territorial unit, the formation of independent local self-government bodies, the removal of the Baltic Germans from local self-government and the liquidation of their class institutions, the proclamation of the independent Republic of Estonia by Estonian leaders representing the Zemstvo Council on February 24, 1918. The activity of Councils of workers 'and soldiers' deputies in the Baltic States in the summer of 1917, their desire for independence within the provincial borders and autonomy, interpreted as a manifestation of internationalism, is analyzed. The attitude of Estonian bourgeois leaders to the issue of international recognition of Estonia in 1917 — early 1919 is shown.

Provisional Government, Paris Peace Conference, Baltic Provinces, the Soviets, Estland, Estonia
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