The Influence of the Political and Legal Situation in the Early Years of the Soviet Regime on Modern Russian Civil Law
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The Influence of the Political and Legal Situation in the Early Years of the Soviet Regime on Modern Russian Civil Law
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Nataliya Kozlova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Sophia Filippova
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article deals with the influence of the political and legal situation in Russia during the period from 1917 to 1922 on modern national private law. The subject of the research covers legal acts, regulating property relations during the period in question, and official documents. Dogmatic, comparative, historical methods were used in the article. The authors draw conclusion that at the time of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, the Russian legal system was unstable and subject to external influence. Vladimir Lenin’s assessment of the Treaty of Versailles as a factor capable of destroying the bourgeois system in the Western European countries led to the denial of the need to take into account domestic and foreign experience gained by the beginning of the 20th century while forming Russian civil legislation. Subsequent codifications of civil law, including the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation, preserve the ideas expressed in the first legislative acts of the Soviet power. A rigorous revision of the basic ideas about the history of civil law, not limited to the political and ideological framework, is required. It is concluded that the understanding of historical laws is an indispensable condition for the improvement of civil legislation at the present stage.

the Treaty of Versailles, Soviet law, private right, history of Russian civil law, civil law doctrine, Roman-Germanic law system, legal methodology, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
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