Versailles System in Crisis and Struggle for Collective Security in Europe, 1933—1935
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Versailles System in Crisis and Struggle for Collective Security in Europe, 1933—1935
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Aleksander Shubin 
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyzes the evolution of the international situation in Europe in the beginning of the crisis of the Versailles system in the years of 1933—1935, the formation of a two-pronged policy of the USSR (collective security) and the Comintern (the popular front) opposing the policy of appeasement, held by Britain and, to a large extent, by France. The position of the USSR, France, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Italy and other states during the discussion of the project of the Eastern Pact; Hitler's first steps aimed at undermining the Versailles system, and also the conclusion of the Soviet-French and Soviet-Czechoslovak agreements of 1935 is considered.

collective security, appeasement, the People's Front, the Comintern, Stalin, Litvinov, Barthou, Laval, Beck, Dimitrov, Hitler, Mussolini
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