German Generals’ Plot against Hitler in Connection with the Czechoslovak Crisis, 1938
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German Generals’ Plot against Hitler in Connection with the Czechoslovak Crisis, 1938
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Boris Khavkin 
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The history of German resistance to Hitler (including German generals’ plots against Hitler) remains a massively under-researched topic. There are currently few studies on the 1938 plot of German generals (a failed attempt to overthrow Hitler) within the framework of domestic historiography. The 1938 plot was connected with the Czechoslovak crisis. Germany was militarily unready to enter a large-scale war. The conspirators planned to overthrow Hitler and the Nazi regime if Germany went to war with Czechoslovakia over the Sudetenland. The 1938 plot came to nothing: the conspirators did not rise up. The Munich Agreement of 1938 gave the Sudetenland to Hitler as well as saved him from being overthrown.

the German invasion plan on Czechoslovakia, the Munich Betrayal (1938), Hitler and German generals, F. Halder’s plot, German resistance to Hitler
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