Russian Soldiers of International Brigades and Members of Emigrant Organizations in the Camps of France
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Russian Soldiers of International Brigades and Members of Emigrant Organizations in the Camps of France
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Alexei Vovk 
Affiliation: Municipal State-Funded School “Litsey”
Address: Russian Federation, Balashikha

Russian emigrants took an active part in the Spanish civil war on both sides of the conflict. After the defeat of the Republic, the retreating troops and refugees were interned in camps in southwestern France (primarily in Saint-Cyprien and Gurs). Several dozen people were Russian part of the international brigades. At the beginning of the Second World War, the arrested members of the Communist party and “undesirable foreigners”, among whom there were also Russian immigrants, were added to the old internees. The arrested were concentrated in the camp of Vernet. For two years, the prisoners of the camps had been establishing their way of life; interacting with other internees; getting in touch with the authorities; waiting for instructions from the Center; reacting to the events of world politics, which affected the fate of the prisoners. These aspects can be studied on the basis of funds of national archives (DRZ and RGASPI).

Russian emigration, internment, inter-brigades, camp Gurs, camp Vernet, camp Saint-Cyprien, unwanted foreigners
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