Pretended Suzerainty: Moscow Tsars and Kazakh Khans (According to Russian-Language Diplomatic Documents of the End of 16th — Beginning of 18th Centuries)
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Pretended Suzerainty: Moscow Tsars and Kazakh Khans (According to Russian-Language Diplomatic Documents of the End of 16th — Beginning of 18th Centuries)
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Roman Pochekaev 
Affiliation: Higher School of Economy
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
The article is devoted to analysis of status of the Kazakh Khanate as it was reflected in the Russian diplomatic documents of the end of 16th — beginning of 18th centuries. Russian authorities tended towards consider the Khanate as vassal state and fixed it in entitling of Kazakh rulers, classification of their domains, imagination of their rights and obligations towards suzerain. Meanwhile the in-depth study of diplomatic documents convinces us that in actual fact the Kazakh Khanate was not a vassal of Moscow and its rulers intended to develop equitable relations with Russian monarchs. Only forming of the Russian imperial ideology at the beginning of the 18th century resulted in substantial changes of the format of Russian-Kazakh relations.
Moscow State, Kazakh Khanate, Kazakhstan as a part of Russia, suzerainty, vassalage, diplomatic documents
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