On the Question of Forms and Methods of Steppe Territory “Sovietization” and “Bolshevization” During the Civil War (1918—1921)
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On the Question of Forms and Methods of Steppe Territory “Sovietization” and “Bolshevization” During the Civil War (1918—1921)
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Yulia Lysenko 
Affiliation: Altay State University
Address: Russian Federation, Barnaul
Article is devoted to studying of a socio-political situation in Steppes during Civil War of 1918—1922. Critical revision of the Soviet historiography declaring about all to measured support by the population of the Soviet power in this region in process of its release from White Guards is undertaken. On the basis of the analysis of the sources published and revealed by the author of article the hypothesis explaining aspiration of Bolsheviks to exclusive seizure of power and formation of a one-party system is offered. Activity of communists in Steppes encountered a number of the problems connected with lack of a social base of the Bolshevism and existence of powerful opposition represented by the ethnopolitical organizations. The facts testifying to process of artificial designing by Bolsheviks of government bodies of the power on the Soviet beginnings and regional office of RCP (b) with use of an arsenal of ideological and social and economic means are given. They were directed on strengthening in the region of civil opposition and formation of a social base of the Bolshevism among the agrarian population of Steppes. Bolsheviks managed to realize the planned purposes — to monopolize the sphere of policy in the republic and to put activity of government bodies of the power under control.
civil war, Steppe region, Bolsheviks, Alash-Orda, Sovietization, power, one-party system
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