After the Collapse of USSR: Kazakhstan and Russia in a New Round of History (1991—2000)
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After the Collapse of USSR: Kazakhstan and Russia in a New Round of History (1991—2000)
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Burkutbay Ayagan 
Affiliation: Institute of State History
Address: Kazakhstan, Astana
The article is devoted to the analysis of Kazakh-Russian relations that took shape in the first decade after the collapse of the USSR. On the basis of introducing new archival materials for scientific use, a special focus will be on formation of the fundamental principles of bilateral cooperation, which laying the foundation and new directions of interstate relations. The historical experience of the relations between Kazakh and Russian Soviet republics, which had a great impact on further cooperation, will be revealed by the author. The article defines the historical role, significance and relevance of the practical activities of the heads of state, who became direct participants, initiators and conductors of the conclusion of interstate agreements, conventions and decrees on all issues of the Kazakh-Russian relations.
state independence, bilateral relations, cooperation, market economy, national currency, delimitation, demarcation, interethnic consent, a nuclear-free world, the Eurasian space
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