Teaching History in the Soviet School of the Late 1930s — Early 1940s and Preparing for War
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Teaching History in the Soviet School of the Late 1930s — Early 1940s and Preparing for War
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Irina Volkova 
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article is devoted to the organization of teaching history in the Soviet school of the prewar period. Analysis of various sources, including programs, guidelines, summaries, plans and transcripts of lessons, allows us to conclude that all educational material was concentrated around three problem-thematic blocks: firstly, social bondage in its various historical forms, secondly, national oppression of small nations in the imperial communities, and thirdly, the struggle of the peoples of different countries, and especially Russia, for independence and freedom. Emotional development of this material, often with elements of dramatization of some plots, helped to inculcate intolerance to any attempts of infringement of people's dignity both on social and national grounds at the level of emotional and physical reactions, and in many respects predetermined rejection of Nazi ideology and its policies in the occupied territories.
social bondage, oppression of small nations, the struggle for independence
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