On the Relationships of the Russian State and the Christian East in the 16th Century
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On the Relationships of the Russian State and the Christian East in the 16th Century
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Sergey Kashtanov 
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Lyubovj Stolyarova
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The paper is dedicated to the history of documenting of the relationships between the Russian State and the Orthodox hierarchs and monasteries of the Christian East in the reigns of Vasily III, Ivan IV the Terrible, and Fedor Ivanovich, that is, for almost all the 16th century. In 1507—1571 great princes and tsars of Moscow made numerous donations to the houses of Mount Athos, in cloth, church vessels, and money. Even more valuable objects went in the period in question from Moscow to Constantinople, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, mainly to local patriarchs, especially to Joasaphus II of Constantinople, as well to Sinai and to Serbia. The biggest donations were made in connection to the issue of the recognition of Ivan the Terrible’s title of tsar (caesar). Also, donations of fabulous generosity were made for the soul of prince Ivan Ivanovich in 1582. In general, the Russian government was concerned with the tasks of its foreign policy and the establishing of Moscow’s authority throughout the Christian East. The biggest donations to foreign religious houses and the most valuable gifts to Orthodox hierarchs were made at the moments when the rulers of Moscow had to resolve some political, dynastic, or ideological problems. The hand of donator, thus, was led by political calculus.
Russia, Greek World, Christian East, documents, books of embassies, donations, grants, church, tsar, Ivan the Terrible, relics
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