Catholics and Protestants in Hungary in the Face of the Law from Battle of Mohács to the Peace of Vienna (1526—1608)
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Catholics and Protestants in Hungary in the Face of the Law from Battle of Mohács to the Peace of Vienna (1526—1608)
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Tatyana Gusarova 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Proceeding from the confessionalization paradigm, the author examines the correlation of the religious, political and social components in the Reformation in Hungary concentrating on its second period (1526—1608). The research is based on the legislative material i.e. the decisions of the Hungarian State assemblies, against the background of the most important events of the period. The author shows the development of Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anabaptism and other doctrines of the Reform in the Hungarian Kingdom in the context of the growing Ottoman expansion and the crisis of the Catholic Church. As evidenced by laws adopted in the 1530s — 1540s, the central government, with the approval of the estates, used the Catholic Church as a source of material and human resources for waging war, which contributed to further weakening the church. The laws of the next decades were aimed at restoring political and moral authority of the Catholic Church, its material base and returning believers to Catholicism. The new dynasty represented by the Catholic Ferdinand I of Habsburg was not able to resolutely fight the Reformation fearing a further escalation of political and social contradictions. Therefore, the kings focused on enlightenment and education to form competent Catholic clergy, as well as to provide churches and parishes with reliable priests. However, these methods turned out to be inadequate to stop the Reformation. By the end of the reign of Maximilian II, Protestants dominated the kingdom. During the reign of Rudolph II the peaceful “Catholic renewal” attempt was replaced by the use of force to solve the problem. In 1604, the state assemblies, outraged by the situation, forbade the discussion of religious issues. The anti-Habsburg uprising of the Hungarian estates, which began in the same year, ended in a compromise of the Peace of Viena (1608) concluded by the Hapsburgs, Bocskai and the Hungarian estates. They managed to achieve religious freedom for Protestants (magnates, nobles, citizens, soldiers of the fortress garrisons), as well as equal rights for Catholics and Protestants in state administration.
Catholics, Protestants, Kingsdom of Hungary in the 16th century, Habsburgs, confessionalisation, State assemblies, legislation
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