The Ideas of Reformation in German Political Literature in the Thirty Years War (1618—1648)
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The Ideas of Reformation in German Political Literature in the Thirty Years War (1618—1648)
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Arina Lazareva 
Occupation: Associate Proffesor
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article is devoted to the reinterpretation of the heritage of the Reformation in German political essays under the influence of the Thirty Years War (1618—1648). Even the contemporaries noticed that the nature of the Thirty Years’ War was not only connected witch religion. German intellectuals and publicists of the middle and the 2nd half of the XVII. Century connected religious deal witch the further development of the state. So the protestant poet Dietrich Reinkingk wrote, that not for nothing ratio status and religion both had “R” as initial letter. Another famous German writer of the Thirty Years’ War era Georg Philipp Harsdoerfer composed instructive parables, where power (state) and religion were two sides of the same coin. Contemporaries called the Thirty Years’ War as “German War” and even “Thirty Years’ War of Germans”. This means not only geographic area, although German lands were the battle ground. It was a real German War because it was “shock for whole German nation”. Thanks to rethinking of the traditional fight between Сatholic, Protestant and Calvinist influenced by Thirty Years’ War German intellectuals created original ideas of the nation, where the religious diversity was the keystone of Teutonism and security of development of “Holy German Empire” and Luther — the German Hero. The Holy Roman Empire, according to intellectuals, was colossus which can stay only on both feet — Catholicism and Protestantism. Thus central question of the Thirty Years’ War was the further development of the Holy Roman Empire, so today the dispute about the nature of the Thirty Years’ War is to be connected witch the modern state-building in Europe.
Reformation, Thirty Years War, illustrated single Woodcut, Luther, Nationalism
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