Identity and Interests of Post-Imperial Societies in the Interwar Period (on the Example of Historiography of the “Slavic Question”)
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Identity and Interests of Post-Imperial Societies in the Interwar Period (on the Example of Historiography of the “Slavic Question”)
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Olga Pavlenko 
Affiliation: Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article evaluates the guilt question and it’s transformation in context of the national identity during the Interbellum and also the changing conceptions of processes preceding the First world war outbreak in the national historiographies which were based on the new published declassified diplomatic papers. It was followed by the researches focused on the Czechoslovak studies, conflict in the Balkan and most importantly the idea of panslavism. At the same time, the high level of politisation made an interpretation of identity concepts complicated.
Slavic question, T. G. Masaryk, national identity, historiography, interwar period, nationalism, collective guilt, Pan-Slavism
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