Killed Steelyards Bar, Sly Governor and Three Charters…
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Killed Steelyards Bar, Sly Governor and Three Charters…
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Sergey Agishev 
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
This article is devoted to private conflict, conflict of interest, about sharing the lands. It took place in 1315 in Skien district, Sothern Norway. The object of the conflict was odel lands, and the actions of the opponents was due to this circumstance. The parties of this conflict had found out they were the relatives but in such a distant degree of kinship that they were not aware of themselves as relatives. Theirs misunderstood controversy led to double murder. Comparing the letter of the governor of Skien district to the king Håkon V narrating about this conflict with medieval Norwegian common law it is possible to understand land status and kinship ties, but also motives of the parties, governor’s appellations to the king, the role of the law in life of the local comunities, the ties of the parties with friends and neighbors. We can assess available level of legal culture of representatives of local societies, theirs conflict level, compliance with the law of actions of the parties and official local authorities. It should be noted the high legal culture of the defendants of this case, two of them had king’s and governor’s immunity letters. They almost acted on the algorithm set in the law and broke it only when the conversation between them got too personal or when they used the usual, but canceled rules.
the Middle Ages, Norway, diplomatics, inheritance law, odel
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