Factor of Russia and the Soviet Union in the Ideology of National Socialism
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Factor of Russia and the Soviet Union in the Ideology of National Socialism
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Konstantin Sofronov 
Occupation: Junior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
This article considers the process of forming the ideology of National Socialism, taking into account the factor of existence the Soviet Union. Stages of maturation of the concept aggressive foreign policy of Nazis Germany towards the USSR are analyzed. The article describes main philosophical, political and pseudoscientific assumptions which had an important influence on the ideologists of Nazism. Attention is paid to the influence of immigrants from the former Russian Empire on the spread and strengthening of anti-Semitic views of the leaders of the movement.
National-Socialism, living space, geopolitics, anti-Semitism, revanchism, Versailles Treaty, bolshevism
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