The Search for Identity in the Era of Nationalism: Discussions about the “Muslim” and “Turkic-Tatar” Nation among Russian Volga-Ural Tatars in the early 20th Century
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The Search for Identity in the Era of Nationalism: Discussions about the “Muslim” and “Turkic-Tatar” Nation among Russian Volga-Ural Tatars in the early 20th Century
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Dilara Usmanova 
Affiliation: Kazan Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan
The article analyzes the public discussion among the Volga-Ural Tatars of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century which took place on the pages of Tatar periodicals, mainly the magazines Shura (Council) and Aң (Consciousness), as well as in individual works and popular brochures (J. Validi's essay “The Nation and Nationality”). The review of these discussions allows us to analyze the views of a number of Tatar intellectuals of the early 20th century on the process of formation of the ethnic self-consciousness of the Tatar people, their vision of the ways of development of the Tatar nation, the means and methods of its “construction”, and also ways of overcoming various obstacles to the successful preservation and reproduction of the Tatar national identity.
Russian Empire, Muslim Ummah, Muslim deputies, State Duma, Volga-Ural Tatars, ethnonym, nation, millat, discussion, press, Gaziz Gubaidullin, Jamal Validi
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