Anthropology of Historiography and the Historian’s Identity in the 21st Century
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Anthropology of Historiography and the Historian’s Identity in the 21st Century
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Zinaida Chekantseva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The author reflects on the anthropology of historiography at the beginning of a new millennium at the intersection of philosophical and disciplinary transformations. She shows that in the anthropological approach is important not only to interest in a person, but also to search for ways to think and write differently from ones done before. Historians have done much to redefine historical discipline, but the “mystery of the anthropology of science” has not yet been deciphered (B. Latour). In the 21st century, the intensification of the research effort in the “multifaceted” historiography manifests in the scientist’s pragmatic epistemology, based on the transdisciplinary method of problematization of sociocultural practices.
historian’s subjectivity, anthropology of historiography, transdisciplinary, world science, epistemology in history
Источник финансирования
The article was prepared with the support of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 15-18-00135 P “Individual, ethnos, religion in the process of intercultural interaction: Russian and world experience in the formation of common citizenship”.
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