“The Building of Liberty Has Been Completed”: Сreation of the First Republic in France
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“The Building of Liberty Has Been Completed”: Сreation of the First Republic in France
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Dmitry Bovykin 
Occupation: Associate Professor; Senior Research Fellow
Lomonosov Moscow State University
State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article is devoted to the genesis of the republican political project created during the French Revolution of the 18th century. Analyzing the texts of that epoch, the author shows that after the proclamation of Republic in France, this project had very vague outlines and the adoption of the Constitution of 1793, which had not been put into action, did not change much in this regard. Only by 1795 the Republicans got rid of unfulfilled dreams and attempts to formulate this project primarily at the ideological and philosophical level, and the First Republic finally acquired its explicit outlines in the Constitution of 1795.
The French Revolution, Thermidor, Directory, 18th century, Constitution of 1793, Constitution of 1795
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