Legal Aspects of the Occupation Regime in France in 1815—1818. On an Example of the Russian Corps
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Legal Aspects of the Occupation Regime in France in 1815—1818. On an Example of the Russian Corps
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Valentina Bolt 
Occupation: Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Western European and Mediterranean Studies
Affiliation: State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article details the living conditions of the Russian occupation building of MS. Vorontsov in France in 1815—1818, which were provided for by the alliance between the European monarchs and the government of Louis XVIII and completely determined the soldier's daily life: food, housing, daily duties. These details formed the basis not only for the lives of Russian soldiers, but also for the whole situation in the occupied territory, since in many respects the relations of servicemen with civilians were determined.
occupation regime, occupation of France, corps of M. S. Vorontsov, the content of the army of occupation, food and non-food items
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