On the Same Side of the Barricades? Spain and Its Inhabitants in Representations of British Soldiers and Officers in 1808—1814
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On the Same Side of the Barricades? Spain and Its Inhabitants in Representations of British Soldiers and Officers in 1808—1814
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Tatiana Kosykh 
Occupation: Junior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Ural Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg
The article is devoted to the evolution of the image of the Spaniards in the representation of soldiers and officers of the British army, participants of the Peninsular War of 1808—1814. The author, relying on British diaries, memoirs and letters, focuses on the problem of the relationship between soldiers of the Wellington’s army and the Spanish population. In article the author emphasizes that the romantic halo of Spanish “patriots” was disappeared in the British soldiers’ imagination after their arrival on the Iberian Peninsula. The British projected on Spaniards well-established in Britain stereotypes about Spanish arrogance, laziness, zealous religiosity and cruelty.
Napoleonic Wars, Napoleonic Spain, British Army in Spain (1808—1814), The Peninsular War, the Image of the “Other”, dialogue of cultures
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