Victor Balabine: Diplomat of Nicholas I in Paris of Louis-Philippe
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Victor Balabine: Diplomat of Nicholas I in Paris of Louis-Philippe
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Natalya Tanjshina 
Occupation: Professor of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History; Senior Research Fellow
Moscow State Pedagogical University
State Academic University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article is devoted to the analysis of the Russian diplomat V. P. Balabin’s views on the July monarchy France (1830—1848). Since 1842 Viktor Balabin was the second secretary of the Russian Embassy in France. The political life of Paris by Louis-Philippe of Orleans is being recreated after the V. Balabin’s Diary materials, published on the basis of his letters to his mother by a French researcher E. Daudet in 1914. The focus of the article is the king himself and his family. The analysis of the diplomat's letters allows to study the degree of stereotypes influence on his image of France and its ruling elite.
Russian-French relations, July monarchy, King Louis-Philippe, prince Ferdinand of Orleans, Emperor Nicholas I, V. P. Balabine, F. Guizot, princess D. von Lieven
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