“Für Gott, Kaiser und Vaterland!”: Land Patriotic Myth of Andreas Hofer in Tyrol in the Context of Anti-Napoleonic Resistance in Austria and Germany
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“Für Gott, Kaiser und Vaterland!”: Land Patriotic Myth of Andreas Hofer in Tyrol in the Context of Anti-Napoleonic Resistance in Austria and Germany
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German Ragozin 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk
Roman Boldyrev
Affiliation: Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk
The paper deals with the case of regional movement motivated by a myth of “unjust” border establishment in Tirol. A region transited from Austria to Bavaria in 1805 due to decision of Napoleon to weaken the Austrian empire became an area of a movement based on a conservative myth broadcasted from local activists with a support from Austrian officials and merged into conservative ideology. Claiming situation in the region as an “injustice”, Andreas Hofer and his followers made an attempt to restore the earlier borders with Bavaria with a mean of a loyalist revolt, addressing to the same motto, as the revenge advocates in Vienna were broadcasting via the newspapers printed in that time.
Austrian history, German history, Tirol rebellion, Napoleonic warfare, Austrian Conservatism, Conservative myth
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