Student Riots in Europe in 1968: Soviet Perceptions
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Student Riots in Europe in 1968: Soviet Perceptions
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Alexey Komarov 
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Nikita Pivovarov
Occupation: Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Evgenia Tokareva
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
This article explores Soviet perceptions of student disturbances in a number of European countries in 1968. It deals both with student protests in capitalist European countries, most widespread in France (the so-called Red May), and the events in socialist countries: Czechoslovakia and Poland. While in Western Europe radical left-wing student movements pressed for changes in the capitalist system, student protests in socialist countries had a different aim: their participants strove for traditional civil rights and freedoms, for “Socialism with a human face”. In the Soviet leadership's view, the ideological postulates of the New Left were positioned "to the left from the truth", while the monopoly for truth, of course, belonged to "the driving and directing force" of the Soviet society — the CPSU. As far as protests in socialist countries were concerned, their causes were attributed to “Zionist encroachments”, intrigues of the Catholic church, petty bourgeois deviations and Western meddling
the New Left, student protests, Marcusianism, Maoism, the Prague Spring, the 1968 international crisis, Communist parties, Soviet leadership, Soviet diplomats, Soviet press
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