Uzbek: Khan, the Reformer, the Deceiver…
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Uzbek: Khan, the Reformer, the Deceiver…
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Igor Danilevskiy 
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The historians believe that immediately after the accession to the Khan’s throne, the nephew of Khan Tokhta introduced Islam as the state religion in the Ulus Jouchi. The relatives of Khan Chingiz opposed to this decision has been destroyed. The official statements of Uzbek, however, contradict to the numerous data of Latin and old Russian sources, according to which the principles of tolerance established by Khan Chingiz continued to be used in respect of all religions. A comparison of this information with references to the simultaneous administrative reform aimed at the centralization of power in the Horde, allows us to hypothesize that Uzbek, claiming the Islamization of his Ulus, deliberately misled its potential opponents and allies, using religion as a political tool.
religion, politics, Islam, Islamization, deception, the Ulus of Jouchi
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