The Maid, Her Master, and His Silver Spoons: The Problem of Trust and Betrayal in Medieval France
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The Maid, Her Master, and His Silver Spoons: The Problem of Trust and Betrayal in Medieval France
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Olga Togoeva 
Occupation: Senior Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article is devoted to the analysis of the notion of betrayal as a criminal offense in Medieval France. Basing on the Royal legislation, the records of the customary law and the materials of judicial practice, the author analyzes the whole range of offenses that fall under this definition: political betrayal of a ruler or a seigneur, war crimes, violation of the oath. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the theft as betrayal. This definition of the crime was largely used by the Parisian judges in the 14th — 15th centuries and was distributed only to those cases where the theft was committed by servants in the houses of their masters. Thus, the concept of “betrayal” was directly associated with the concept of “trust”, i.e. with the relations of the employee and his master, which were interpreted as personal, family ties. The violation of these relations was equated by French lawyers, as well as by the authors of didactic treatises, to the violation of the oath given by the vassal to his seigneur.
Middle Ages, France, court, law, theft, betrayal, trust
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