A Good and a Bad Deception: When Kings, Knights and the People Lye
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A Good and a Bad Deception: When Kings, Knights and the People Lye
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Alexander Marey 
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
In the article is analysing the conception of good and bad deception and the different disciplinary regimes of the fraud described in the Siete Partidas of Alphonse the Wise (1252—1284). The author stresses the point that the lies were permitted only for physical persons meanwhile the political entities (such as a people or a king in his relations with the people) would not lie. That can be explained by the different discursive strategies used by the authors of the Siete Partidas: the laws of the Seventh Partida as laws about chivalry (Part. II.21) were composed by jurists and the norms about a King and his people the theologists had written. For making this analysis more complete in the article, the author gives a brief introduction to the history of the juridical and theological discourses about the lie. He shows the evolution of the interpretation of the concept of the deception from the Late Antiquity to the Law Middle Ages. The author stresses that the Augustinian conception of the lie was the most influent until, at least, a middle 13th century.
Lie, Deception, Fraud, Siete Partidas, Castile, Alphonse the Wise, Knighthood, King, People
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