“Soft Power” as an Element of Foreign Policy in India's Recent History
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“Soft Power” as an Element of Foreign Policy in India's Recent History
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Natalia Emelyanova 
Institute of Philosophy RAS
State Academiс University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article is devoted to some of the determinants of modern India's behavior in the foreign policy arena, the competitive advantages of India in the “soft power” strategy (which is aimed at strengthening the country's role in the mega-regional and global contexts), and the clarification of the significant components of the Indian “soft power” that are going used. The research approach of the article is out of the typical schemes of country-specific characteristics, in order to consider in an expanded plan the significant points affecting the interpretation of “soft power” by Asian States that have recently started or have just started to build their own integrated strategies of “soft power”. “Soft power” as a key element of contemporary Indian noopolitics is considered as no less important link in the development of the country's foreign policy than the construction of various geopolitical configurations. A special trend is marked towards the de-Americanization of the discourse of “soft power” in the modern world, which allows the “rising powers” (including modern India) to rethink the theoretical and practical aspects of this form of foreign policy strategies.
Indian soft power, Chindian soft power, Amitabh Kant, Make in India, Incredible India, NITI Aayog
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