Formation of the Cossack-war in the Conditions of a Frontier Daily Occurrence
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Formation of the Cossack-war in the Conditions of a Frontier Daily Occurrence
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Elena Godovova 
Affiliation: Orenburg State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation, Orenburg
The boundary location of the territories of the Cossack troops makes it possible to determine the zones of their settlement as a frontier. Here a certain style of life has developed — a frontier daily routine, that is social and economic structure, to which the Cossacks adapted. Permanent resettlement of Cossacks to develop new lands (frontier modernization) contributed to the spread of Cossack customs and traditions in the new territories, thereby forming a Cossack identity. In these conditions a special type of man was formed — “the Cossack Warrior”. He possessed the psychology of a combatant, fighting qualities: bravery, courage, ability to adapt to different climatic conditions, was brought up on duty, honor and faith in God. The military principle and the ideas of serving the Motherland had a great influence on the formation of the Cossack mentality. Since the earliest age, parents have trained their sons not only to work on the au pair, but also to riding, taught to handle weapons. Formation of the military spirit went through the game. Each child aspired to master the art of dzhigitovka, to make his horse an assistant and friend, a faithful companion in campaigns and in war. The world outlook, psychology and behavior of the Cossack determined the military world and ideas about the heroic past. Regardless of who the Cossack was by nationality and what religion he professed, he self-identified himself as a representative of the Cossack society, whose value system was based on the service of the Tsar, Fatherland and the Faith.
Russian Cossacks, everyday life, frontier, modernization, frontier daily routine, Cossack, Cossack warrior
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