Дополнительные библиографические источники и материалы
- Винокуров Ю. Н., Орлова А. С., Субботин В. А. История Заира в новое и новейшее время. М., 1982.
- Мазов С. В. Холодная война в «сердце Африки». СССР и конголезский кризис, 1960—1964. М., 2016.
- Нажесткин О. И. Годы конголезского кризиса (1960—1963 гг.). Записки разведчика // Новая и новейшая история. 2003. № 6.
- Colvin I. The Rise and Fall of Moise Tshombe. L., 1968.
- Devlin L. Chief of Station, Congo. A Memoir of 1960—1967. New York, 2007.
- Gleijeses P. “Flee! The White Giants Are Coming!”: The United States, Mercenaries and the Congo, 1964—1965 // Empire and Revolution: the United States and the Third World since 1945 / ed. by P. L. Hann, M. A. Heins. Columbus, 2001.
- Gleijeses P. Conflicting Missions. Havana, Washington, and Africa, 1959—1976. L., 2002.
- Guevara Ernesto “Che”. The African Dream. The Diaries of the Revolutionary War in the Congo / translated from the Spanish by Patrick Camiller. L., 2000.
- Hoare M. Congo Mercenary. L., 1967.
- Namikas L. Battleground Africa: The Cold War in the Congo, 1960—1965. Washington (D. C.), Stanford (Calif.), 2013.
- Natufe I. Soviet Policy in Africa. From Lenin to Brezhnev. Bloomington, 2011.
- Nkrumah K. Challenge of the Congo. A Case Study of Foreign Pressures in an Independent State. L., 1967.
- Nzongola-Ntalaja G. The Congo: From Leopold to Kabila: A People’s History. New York, 2002.
- Reed D. 111 Days in Stanleyville. L., 1966.
- Verhaegen B. Rébellions au Congo. T. I. Bruxelles — Léopoldville, 1966.
- Villafaña F. R. Cold War in the Congo. The Confrontation of Cuban Military Forces, 1960—1967. New Brunswick (N. J.), 2009.
- Wagoner F. Dragon Rouge. The Rescue of Hostages in the Congo. Washington (D. C.), 1980.
- Young C. Rebellion in the Congo // Protest and Power in Black Africa / ed. by R.I. Rotberg, A.A. Mazrui. New York, 1970.
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