Mythoritual as a Means of (Self-)Identification
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Mythoritual as a Means of (Self-)Identification
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Ivan Davydov 
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Ivan Fadeyev
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The term “mythorital” has recently become very popular in Russian folklore, Slavic studies, balkanistics, ethnography, ethnolinguistics. And he is perceived in these sciences as something given, self-evident and well-proven. At the same time, in 2003 the term “mythorital”, unlike the terms “myth”, “rite”, “ritual” and their derivatives, was not included in the semantic lexicon of the Russian language. The authors attempt to analyse the phenomenon of religious (self-)identity and means of religious (self-)identification. They explicate social functions of mythoritual that allow it to be aт instrument of the believer’s (self-)identification. Among the methods used in the research are: historical and comparative methods, structural-functional analysis, extrapolation method, generic classification. The authors introduce the concept of “religious stigmatised identity”.
mythoritual, religious identity, agents and means of identification, culpabilization (function), stigmatization theory, Church of England
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