Communicative Features of Overcoming of Conflict Situations as Reflected in the Protocols of the I LMI`S Primary Organizations of the VKP(B) (Primary Genesis of Myths and Ideologies)
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Communicative Features of Overcoming of Conflict Situations as Reflected in the Protocols of the I LMI`S Primary Organizations of the VKP(B) (Primary Genesis of Myths and Ideologies)
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Lyudmila Gazieva 
Affiliation: Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
This article describes some mythologems and ideologems as ethical and estetical components of communicating culture into the Leningrad intelligens group for 1941—1944 years on the base of analysis the protocols of the meetings of communist organisation of I Leningrad Medical Institute from collection of TSGAIPD SPb. Protocols contain brief verbatim transcripts of oral speeches and detailed reports. Being connected with socially significant collective work, the party meetings simultaneously had an ideological character. Thus, the historical and cultural analysis of these protocols, in comparison with other similar documents, allows us to trace the representation of ritual and lexical collective mythologies and ideology at the time of their appearance. There are determined the origin of correlating links between ideologems and mythologems during transformation of professional patterns of behaviour.
communicating culture, cultural-antropology analysis, mythologems, ideologems, the siege of Leningrad, medical education
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Additional sources and materials

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  12. TsGAIPD SPb. F. 54 «Partijnaya organizatsiya Pediatricheskij meditsinskij in-t». Op. 2. D. 6, 9, 11, 12, 15.
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