Theme of “Acquiring of the Land” in Slavic Folklore and Early Medieval His-Toriography
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Theme of “Acquiring of the Land” in Slavic Folklore and Early Medieval His-Toriography
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Sergey Alexeyev 
Affiliation: Historical-Educational Society “Radetel”
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
This article is considered the international folklore motive of “taking / acquiring of the land” on the material of Slavic medieval literature and folklore. Theme is represented mostly in the South Slavic tradition, but the elements of its dynastic version are also found in Russian annals. In conclusion, historiographic interpretations of the motive, which are largely related to the ideological trends of the new time, are touched upon. Historical knowledge in its first steps is deeply mythological. Myth was the first genre of narrative “oral literature”. The epic and historical tradition grow out of the myth, replace it — and at the same time carry in it its ancestral features.
folklore, historiography, chronicles, annals, medieval literature, epics, historical oral tradition
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Additional sources and materials

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