USSR, Russian Catholics and Vatican on the Eve of the II World War: Main Events and Research Directions
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USSR, Russian Catholics and Vatican on the Eve of the II World War: Main Events and Research Directions
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Evgenia Tokareva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Gregory Freeze
Affiliation: Brandeis University
Address: USA, Waltham
Alexey Beglov
Affiliation: Institute of World History. National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article deals with the main events of the history of the Catholic Church in Russia and the Soviet-Vatican relations that unfolded in the 1920s and 1930s, as well as describes the current research areas of the Soviet-Vatican relations of the interwar period, in particular, the research presented during the international scientific conference “Russia and the Vatican in the international context during the period of the pontificate of Pius XI (1922—1939)” and the eponymous thematic issue of the Electronic scientific and educational journal “History”. Therefore, the article can act as an introduction to this thematic issue. The period under review in the history of the Soviet-Vatican relations has two distinct event dominants: a campaign to seize Church valuables of 1922—1923 and organized at the same time by the Soviet authorities the trial of the Catholic clergy, as well as the “prayers crusade” in defence of believers in the USSR, initiated by Pope Pius XI in 1930, and actions of Soviet power in response to that. However, considerable attention is drawn to the mechanism of formation of policy of the Vatican against the Soviet Russia and the activities of the Pontifical Commission “Pro Russia” and its head Michel D’Herbigny. The article also formulates the preliminary results of the study of the international policy of Vatican and the Soviet-Vatican relations in the 1920s — 1930s in the light of the sources discovered and published studies. The authors identify three areas in which historians of the Soviet-Vatican relations of the interwar period work today: a systematic review of recently opened archival collections and newly discovered documents; deepening ideas about the real life of the Catholic Church in Soviet Russia; analysis of the international situation and policy of the Vatican and the USSR in this context on the eve of the Second world war. The authors draw attention to the importance of the religious factor for the international and domestic policy of the Soviet leadership in the 1920s—1930s. and emphasize the value of foreign sources on religious life in the USSR, which allow at least partly to fill the gaps in the religious history of the Soviet period, which arose due to the lack of the open religious archives.
Russia (USSR) in the twentieth century, the Vatican, international relations, the Pontifical Commission “Pro Russia”, Michel D’Herbigny, Pie-Eugène Neveu, “prayers crusade” of 1930, historical sources about religious life in the USSR
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Additional sources and materials

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  5. Tokareva E. S. Rossiya v dokumentakh arkhivov Vatikana: suschestvuyuschie obzory i opisi // Rossiya v ital'yanskikh arkhivakh — Italiya v rossijskikh arkhivakh. M., 2013. S. 75—90.
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  9. Grant Steven A., Brown John H. The Russian Empire and Soviet Union: a Guide to Manuscripts and Archival Materials in the United States. Boston, 1981.
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  11. The New Soviet Archival Sources: Hypotheses for a Critical Assessment // Cahiers du Monde russe. 40. 1999. R. 13—63. 
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