Condemnation of Soviet Communism
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Condemnation of Soviet Communism
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Philippe Chenaux 
Affiliation: Pontifical Lateran University
Address: State of Vatican City
The paper want to reconstruct the genesis of the encyclical Divini Redemptoris (19th March 1937) against the Soviet Communism, starting from the documentation conserved in the Vatican Archives (Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio della Congregazione per gli Affari ecclesiastici straordinari, Archivio della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede). This documentation permits us to demonstrate that the publication of the encyclical was the point of arrival of a twofold evolution. The first one concern the politics of the Holy See toward the Soviet Union, the second concern the position of the Roman Magisterium toward the totalitarian ideologies of the 1930’ (Fascism, Nazism, Communism). The encyclical, based on a project prepared by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Father Wlodimir Ledochowski, bears the personal imprint of Pope Pius XI.
Atheism, Communism, Holy See, Soviet Union, Totalitarianism
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Additional sources and materials


  1. Archivio storico della II sezione della Segreteria di Stato (già Congregazione per gli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari — AA.EE.SS.). IV, Russia.
  2. AA.EE.SS. Stati eccl. P. O. 474. Fasc. 475. F. 24 ss.
  3. Archivio Segreto Vaticano (ASV). Nunz. di Parigi. 
  4. Archivio della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede. Rerum Variarum. 1934. № 29. Vol. 1, 2.
  5. Acta Apostolicae Sedis. 1934.
  6. La Documentation catholique.


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  2. Chenaux Ph. L’ultima eresia. La Chiesa cattolica e il comunismo in Europa (1917—1989). Da Lenin a Giovanni Paolo II. Roma, 2011.
  3. Werth N. Un Etat contre son peuple. Violences, répressions, terreurs en Union soviétique // Le Livre noir du communisme. Paris, 1998. 
  4. Chenaux Ph. Pacelli, Hudal et la question du nazisme (1933—1938) // Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia. 57 (2003). R. 133—154.
  5. Herbigny M. d’. Le Front antireligieux en Russie soviétique. Avril—Novembre 1929; La Guerre antireligieuse en Russie soviétique. La campagne de Noël (décembre 1929 — janvier 1930). Paris, 1930.
  6. Herbigny M. d’. Les “Sans Dieu” militants et la propagande mondiale du communisme. Paris, s.d. 
  7. Chiron Y. Pie XI (1857—1939). Paris, 2004.
  8. Giunipero E. Le inchieste sul comunismo // Le gouvernement pontifical sous Pie XI. Etudes réunies par L. Pettinaroli. Rome, 2013. R. 191—202.
  9. Burkard D. Häresie und Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts. Rosenbergs nationalsozialistische Weltanschauung vor dem Tribunal der Römischen Inquisition. Paderborn, 2005.
  10. Gurian W. Theory and Practice. N. Y., 1932
  11. Ledit J. Notre raison d’être // Lettres de Rome sur l’athéisme moderne. Mai 1935. 
  12. Muckermann F. Im Kampf zwischen zwei Epochen. Lebenserinnerungen. Mainz, 1973. 
  13. Petracchi G. I gesuiti e il comunismo // La Chiesa cattolica e il totalitarismo. A cura di V. Ferrone. Firenze, 2004. 
  14. Ottaviani A. Institutiones iuris publici ecclesiastici. Città del Vaticano, 1935. 2 vol.
  15. Droulers P. Politique sociale et christianisme. Le Père Desbuquois et l’Action populaire. Vol. II (1919—1946). Paris, 1981.


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