“Pro Russia” Commission Foundation from the Archive of the Congregation for Eastern Churches as a Source of Materials on the Study of Relations between the USSR and the Holy See during the Pontificate of Pius XI
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“Pro Russia” Commission Foundation from the Archive of the Congregation for Eastern Churches as a Source of Materials on the Study of Relations between the USSR and the Holy See during the Pontificate of Pius XI
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Rita Tolomeo 
Affiliation: Universita La Sapienza
Address: Italy, Rome
On 1925 the Pope Pius XI established the Pontificial Commission “Pro Russia” as part of the Pontificial Congregation of the Oriental Churches with the task of the creation of a new hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Soviet Union. For this purpose, Michel d'Herbigny S. J. tried to reestablished a Catholic Hierachy in the socialist Country. that should allow an autonomous activity the Catholic Church in Russia but in 1927 the GPU destrojed his work. On early Thirties the removal of the Jesuit from the Pontifical Commission marked the change of the structure and the powers of the institution were reduced to the assistance activity of the Russian Catholics. On 15 January 1993 Pope John Paul II dismissed the Pontificia Commissio “Pro Russia” and established the Commissionem Interdicasterialem Stabilem pro Ecclesia in Europa Orientali.
Pontificial Commission “Pro Russia”, Pope John Paul II, Pope Pius XI, Catholics in Russia Michel d'Herbigny S. J.
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Additional sources and materials

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