Music and Revolution. Boris Asafev and the Beggining of Musicology in Russia
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Music and Revolution. Boris Asafev and the Beggining of Musicology in Russia
Title (other)
Музыка и революция. Борис Асафьев и зарождение музыковедения в Россия
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Martín Baña 
Affiliation: Universidad de Buenos Aires
Address: Argentina, Buenos Aires
This work explores the link between music and revolution taking the case of musicologist Boris Asaf’ev. In the context of experimentation and musical exploration generated by the revolutionary explosion, Asaf’ev began to develop a musicological thought that not only was an expression of the new world experienced during those years, but also sought to be a simultaneous bridge between the best of the Russian musical tradition and between the European repertoire. Thus, Russian musicology would be founded on a double basis that combined experimentation with the international tradition. This is what it would give it a theoretical and practical projection that it would take it beyond its strictly musical application.
Abstract (other)
Данная работа затрагивает проблемы музыки в революции, интерпретируемые в работах музиколога Бориса Асафьева. Революция вызвала к жизни эксперимент и новые поиски формы в музыке. Асафьев рассматривает не только новые течения в музыке после революции, но и ищет мест между ними и лучшими образцами музыкальной традиции России и Европы. Русская музикология в это время делали свои первые шаги в поиске сочетания традиции и новой практики.
Russian Revolution, Boris Asafiev, Musicology, Simphonic Studies, Narkompros
Keywords list (other)
Российская революция, Борис Асафьев, музыковедение, симфонические опыты, Наркомпрос
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Additional sources and materials

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  2. Asafyev B. Symphonic Etudes. Portraitis of Russian Operas and Ballets. Traducción de David Haas. Londres, 2008
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  7. “The Implications of Transnationalism”. Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 12 (4). P. 885—904. Ciudad. 2011.
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  13. Glebov I. [Asaf’ev, B.] Melos: Knigi o muzyke. 2 vols. Leningrado, 1918.
  14. Haas D. “Boris Asafiev and Soviet Symphonic Theory”. The Musical Quarterly 76 (3). P. 410—432. 1992.
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  21. Martin-Chevallier L. “Le Prokoll: conception singulière d’une musique de la révolution”. Revue de études slaves LXXXIV (3-4). P. 479—494. 2013.
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  23. Nelson A. Music for the Revolution: Russian Musicians and Soviet Power 1917—1932. University Park, 2004.
  24. Olkhovsky Y. Vladimir Stasov and Russian National Culture. Ann Arbor, 1983.
  25. Orlova E. y Kryukov A. Akademik Boris Vladimirovich Asaf’ev. Leningrado: Sovietsky Kompozitor. 1984.
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  27. Sochor Z. Revolution and Culture: The Bogdanov-Lenin Controversy. Ithaca, 1998.
  28. Stites R. Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution. Nueva York, 1989.
  29. Taruskin R. On Russian Music. Berkeley & Los Angeles, 2009.
  30. Viljanen E. Boris Asaf’ev and the Soviet Musicology. Helsinski, 2005.


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