Heraldic Sign System in Modern Logos. Communication Approach Experience
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Heraldic Sign System in Modern Logos. Communication Approach Experience
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Lubov Tsyganova 
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Aleksandr Mannin
Affiliation: Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The graphical languages of the modern logo and the medieval coat of arms are based on some similar methods of constructing the image and impact as colour symbolism, the use of familiar images of animals and plants, archetypes, geometric forms, etc. Their objectives are forming the character of the determining object, personification, the inclusion of a number of inherent qualities in the message code. In this article we analyze the ways of constructing the semantic content in the coat of arms and logo from the point of view of the theory of communication and the role of heraldic elements in the design and heraldic reading in the carrier's image formation.
coat of arms, logotype, communication approach
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Additional sources and materials

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