Warrior Shields as Heraldic Media
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Warrior Shields as Heraldic Media
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Daria Staroskolskaia 
Affiliation: Institute of World History RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Kirill Elokhin
Affiliation: Institute of World History. State Academic University for the Humanities Graduate
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article is dedicated to shields as sources of heraldry. The main attention is drawn to three types of Spanish shields: adarga, pavese and round shield. During the feudal epoch and even later arms, devises and monograms could be placed on both sides of the shield. The general number of extant shields is relatively small, moreover only some of them bear arms, which often cannot be deciphered or attributed. Beside the coats of arms, The Golden Fleece chain is frequent, showing that the highest nobility were the members of the Order. Generally the Spanish shield artifacts are poor sources of heraldry that need to be compared with other sources especially textual, however they are unique sources of the kind as the Spanish nobility never included heraldic shields in their portraits as it was done all over Europe.
heraldry, shields, adarga, pavese, coat of arms, motto
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Additional sources and materials

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