Robert Cecil and the Elaboration of the British Position on the Creation of the League of Nations in 1918
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Robert Cecil and the Elaboration of the British Position on the Creation of the League of Nations in 1918
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Sergey Demidov 
Affiliation: Ryazan State University S. A. Esenin
Address: Russian Federation, Ryazan
Olga Akchurina
Affiliation: Ryazan State University S. A. Esenin
Address: Russian Federation, Ryazan
The article analyzes the activity of Robert Cecil on the development of the official position of Great Britain concerning the League of Nations in 1918. The Third largest member of the Conservative party was one of the main architects of the League of Nations, his zeal brought him the Nobel peace prize in 1937. In the basis of the views of Cecil on postwar order lay extreme rejection of war as means of international politics and faith in the possibility of concluding a general international treaty to ensure lasting peace and prosperity. The League of Nations met Cecil part of a Grand Atlantic partnership, led by Britain. The authors detail the history of the Phillimore Committee report. This report was of fundamental importance in the formation of government policy in the UK and the USA and strongly influenced the final form of the Covenant of the League of Nations. Also the article analyzes different positions of the British leaders and debate in government circles, as well as the influence of public opinion and mass organizations in support of the League of Nations.
Britain, the League of Nations, Lord Cecil, Phillimore committee report
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Baker, R. S. Woodrow Wilson and World Settlement. Written From His Unpublished and Personal Material. In 3 vols. Vol. 3. N. Y., 1922—1923.
  2. Bourgeois, L. Le Pacte de 1919 et la Société des Nations. Paris, 1919.
  3. Cabinet Office Records. Cab. 23, 24, 29.
  4. Cecil H. P. The Development of Lord Robert Cecil's Views on the Securing of a Lasting Peace, 1915—1919. Oxford, 1971.
  5. Cecil R. A Great Experiment. L., 1941.
  6. Dickinson G. L. The Autobiography of G. Lowes Dickinson and Other Unpublished Writings. Edited by Dennis Proctor. London, 1973.
  7. Egerton G. W.  Great Britain and the Creation of the League of Nations: Strategy, Politics, and International Organization, 1914—1919. Supplementary Volumes to the Papers of Woodrow Wilson. Chapel Hill, 1978.
  8. Foreign Office Records. F. O. 37I.
  9. Fowler W. B. British—American Relations, 1917—1918: The Role of Sir William Wiseman. Supplementary Volume to The Papers of Woodrow Wilson N. Y., 1969. 348 p
  10. Grey E. Viscount. The League of Nations. L., 1918. 15 p.
  11. Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conference. Memorandum on War Aims Agreed upon at the Central Hall, Westminster, London, S. W, on February 20 to 24, 1918. L., 1918.
  12. Kendle J. E. The Round Table Movement and Imperial Union. Toronto, 1975.
  13. Latané J. H., ed. Development of the League of Nations Idea: Documents and Correspondence of Theodore Marburg. 2 vols. N. Y., 1932.
  14. League of Nations Society. League of Nations (LNS Publications, № 24), L., 1918.
  15. Lloyd George D. The Truth About the Peace Treaties. L., 1938.
  16. Manchester Guardian. 21 June 1918.
  17. Middlemas K. ed. Thomas Jones: Whitehall Diary. 3 vols. Vol. I, 1916—1925. L., 1969.
  18. Miller D. H. The Drafting of the Covenant. In 2 vols. N. Y.; L., 1928.
  19. Noble G. B. Policies and Opinions at Paris, 1919: Wilsonian Diplomacy, the Versailles Peace, and French Public Opinion. N. Y., 1955.
  20. Parliamentary Debates (Commons), 5th ser. Vol. 109. 1918.
  21. Parliamentary Debates (Lords). 5th ser. Vol. 29. 1918.
  22. Robert E. A., Viscount Cecil. All the Way. L., 1949.
  23. Roskill S. Hankey: Man of Secrets. L., 1970.
  24. Seymour C., ed. The Intimate Papers of Colonel House. 4 vols. N. Y.; Boston, 1926—1928.
  25. Steed H. W. Through Thirty Years, 1892—1922. 2 vols. L., 1924.
  26. The Times. 20 June 1918.
  27. The Unity of Civilization // The Round Table 9. № 32 (September I9I8).
  28. The Victory That Will End War // The Round Table 8. № 30 (March 1918).
  29. Times, 2 August 1918.
  30. Winkler H. R. The League of Nations Movement in Great Britain, 1914—1919. Metuchen. New Jersey, 1967.


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