Immovable Estate of the Citizens Ghent in the 14th Century (Deals, Divisions, Trials)
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Immovable Estate of the Citizens Ghent in the 14th Century (Deals, Divisions, Trials)
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Anna Mayzlish 
Affiliation: Istitute of World History
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Article deals with some aspects of the functioning of urban lineages on the example of Van Arteveldes family in Ghent. It is based on the sources connected with the immovable estate of this family. Van Arteveldes are well-known thanks to their two most prominent members: Jacob (James) and his younger son Philip who played an important part in the political history of the city and Flanders as the leaders of two famous Ghent revolts in 1338—1346 and 1379—1385. The members of this family were closely connected to the central parish in Ghent, the parish of St. John. Jacob began his career in elected urban governmental structures in this parish. The immovable estate of Van Artevelde was also concentrated on the territory of the parish. They had several houses that possibly formed a large urban estate in Kalandenberg and Paddenhoek. The family was bound up with the urban professional communities of weavers (it led to the policy of protection of the alliance with England that Jacob led during the period when he had political power) as well as wine merchants and greengrocers. The members of Van Arteveldes tried to improve their social positions with the help of marriages to the members of city nobility and Flemish knighthood. Van Arteveldes had immovable estate not only in Ghent but in different parts of Flanders. Most of their lands and estates were situated in the Scheld valley where it was possible to buy and cultivate new lands by the meliorating and digging the littoral areas such as marshes and polders. Several of Jacob van Artevelde’s heirs had lost their hereditary lands and houses in Ghent in 1370-s — 1390-s because of the debts that surely affected their social positions. But Van Arteveldes still had enough influence among the social groups and communities that were involved in cooptation of such important institution of Ghent urban government as the echevins. It can be proved both with a political career of Philip van Artevelde who was chosen as a leader of Ghent’s revolt of 1379—1385 in time of crisis and with the examination of the list of Ghent’s citizens involved in the arbitrage of the division of Philip’s immovable and movable estate after his death in the battle. Most of them had been elected echevins for several times.
Ghent, Flanders, professional communities, guilds, self-organizing urban structures, lineages, immovable estate, urban topography
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Additional sources and materials

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