Features of the US Social Structure in the First Half of the 19th сentury through the Eyes of British Travelers
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Features of the US Social Structure in the First Half of the 19th сentury through the Eyes of British Travelers
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Nelli Karkozashvili 
Affiliation: Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Address: Russian Federation, Yaroslavl
The article presents the opinions of British travelers about the US democratic social system in the first half of the 19th century. They noted the social “mobility” of Americans, a high level of well-being, success of the feminist movement, considerable scale of charity, humanization of the sphere of justice. At the same time, many British sharply criticized the inhumane system of slavery that had prevailed in the South in violation of the principles of freedom and equality. Analysis of the social order, critical evaluation of the some aspects of the USA daily life in the works of travelers had a beneficial effect on the further development of the American and British societies. Familiarization with the “American experience” accelerated the democratization of social and political system of Great Britain; exposure of the most unacceptable in the civilized states regularities persisting in America since colonial times, contributed to the intensification of the struggle to overcome them.
USA, 19th century, democracy, social activity, the penitentiary system, social status, social life, the slaveholding system, British travelers
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Dikkens Ch. Amerikanskie zametki // Sobr. soch. v 30 t. M., 1962. T. 9. S. 5—307.
  2. Dikkens Ch. Pis'ma // Sobr. soch. v 30 t. M., 1962. T. 29. S. 7—386.
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  5. Cobden R. The Diary in America. L., 1952. P. 190.
  6. Hamilton T. Men and manners in America. L., 1968. Vol. 1—2.
  7. Hodgson A. Remarks during a journey through North America in the years 1819, 1820, and 1821 in a series of letters. N. Y., 1970.
  8. Lyell Ch. A Second Visit to the United States of North. America. L., 1849. Vol. 2.
  9. Martineau H. Society in America. N. Y., 1981.
  10. Stirling J. Letters from the Slave States. N. Y., 1969.
  11. Sturge J. The Visit to the USA in 1841. L., 1963.
  12. Trollop Fr. Domestic manners of the Americans. N. Y., 1949.
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  18. Lajtfud K. Prava cheloveka po-amerikanski. Ot kolonial'nykh vremen do «Novogo kursa». M., 1983.
  19. Liberal'naya traditsiya v SShA i eyo tvortsy // Problemy amerikanistiki. M., 1997. № 10.
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  23. Boston R. British chartists in America. Cambridge, 1971.


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