Greco-Turkish War of 1919—1922 Through the Eyes of A. J. Toynbee
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Greco-Turkish War of 1919—1922 Through the Eyes of A. J. Toynbee
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Olga Vorobieva 
Affiliation: Institute of World History. Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
The article considers the British historian A. J. Toynbee's perception of the Greсo-Turkish war of 1919—1922. As a military correspondent for the Manchester Guardian newspaper, Toynbee had a unique opportunity to be at the center of events and to comprehend it in the context of the situation of the late XIX — early XX century, when the problem of nationalism started to acquire completely new projections against the backdrop of the First World War. The experience gained during the years of this war had a serious impact not only on the transformation of Toynbee’s views on the problem of nationalism, but also on the formation of an entirely new approach to the study of history, which was later embodied in the “Study of History”. The problem of nationalism, examined by Toynbee in the context of the so-called Western issue in the world, still retains its relevance and contributes to the comprehension of this phenomenon.
A. J. Toynbee, Greco-Turkish War of 1919—1922, nationalism, The Western Question in Greece and Turkey, the Treaty of Sevres
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Verner M., Tsimmerman B. Posle komparativa: histoirecroisée i vyzov reflektivnosti // Ab Imperio. 2007. № 2. C. 59—90.
  2. Vorob'eva O. V. Paradoksy vospriyatiya Tojnbi v sovremennoj rossijskoj istoriografii // Dialog so vremenem. Al'manakh. M., 2001. № 4. S. 259—276.
  3. Miller A. I. Mezhdu imperiej i natsiej. Pochemu Rossii ne nado delat' ehtot vybor // Rossiya v global'noj politike. 2017. № 1 [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya: 17.09.2017).
  4. Tojnbi A. Dzh. Perezhitoe. Moi vstrechi. M., 2003. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, A. J. Toynbee, My first and most encouraging impression of the Treaty of Lausanne… [no title, no date].
  5. Tojnbi A. Dzh. Postizhenie istorii. M., 1991.
  6. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, A. J. Toynbee My first and most encouraging impression of the Treaty of Lausanne… [no title, no date].
  7. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, Antecedents of the Smyrna Fire. 13 September 1922.
  8. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, Ahmed Emin to Arnold Toynbee. 22 March 1922.
  9. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, Arnold Josef Toynbee to family circulation. 7 February 1921.
  10. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, Arnold Josef Toynbee to family circulation. 4 February 1921.
  11. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, Arnold Josef Toynbee to Edith Toynbee. 12 June 1921.
  12. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, Arnold Toynbee to Edith Toynbee. 24 March 1919.
  13. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, Arnold Toynbee to Edith Toynbee. no date.
  14. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, C. P. Scott to Arnold Toynbee. 1 July 1921.
  15. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, Eric Forbes Adams to Arnold Toynbee.17 January 1922.
  16. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, G. Melas, M. C., Ex-Secretary to H. M. King Constantine to Editor of the Times. 19 May, 1922.
  17. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, Rosalind Toynbee to Mary Murray. 28 May 1921.
  18. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, to Arnold Toynbee (copy) [Published The Times, 6th April, 1922].
  19. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, to Professor Arnold Toynbee. 10 April, 1922.
  20. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, letter, to Professor Arnold Toynbee. 15 November 1922.
  21. Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: A Study of the Contact of Civilization. London, 1922. By A. J. Toynbee. Boston, 1923.
  22. Clog R. Politics and the Academy: Arnold Toynbee and the Koraes Chair. London, 1986.
  23. Espagne M. Sur les limites du comparatisme en histoire culturelle // Geneses. 1994. Vol. 17. P. 112—121.
  24. McNeill W. H. Arnold J. Toynbee: A Life. N. Y., Oxford, 1989.
  25. Public Record Office, Peace Conference, Smirna files, 1919, Doc F. 6102, AJT Minute dated 3 April 1919.
  26. Survey of International Affairs. 1925. London, 1927.
  27. Toynbee A. J. Mankind and Mother Earth. A Narrative History of the World. N. Y., 1976.
  28. Toynbee A. J. Nationality and the War. L., 1915.
  29. Toynbee A. J. The New Europe: Some Essays in Reconstruction, 1916.
  30. Toynbee A. J. The Western Question in Greece and Turkey: A Study of the Contact of Civilization. London, 1922.
  31. Toynbee A. J. Turkey: a Past and Future. New York, 1917.


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